A new age of beautiful, sensational homebrew is here, with The Alchemists Elixir!

Our Products

New Zealand Pilsner

A lovely, fruity pilsner with hints of acidity and hops. Perfect for cracking one open on a summers day.



California Cabernet Sauvignon

A spectacular, dry red wine. Filtered and cleared to perfection, a favourite for many.



Panty Dropper Wine

The sweetest, most mouth-watering wine ever made! A combination of fresh blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and lemon juice. Make sure you drink this in private!



Pinot Grigio Blush (Rosé)

Those who are looking for something a little drier, but still with a hint of sweetness, this then wine is for you!



Blackberry & Apricot Wine

With summer approaching, fruit wines are the best thing to have ready! Blackberry and Apricot wines made from Youngs fruit wine kits. Juicy and sweet.



Process of Perfection

Crystal clear

Our products are all crystal clear before any bottling. This involves thorough clearing and filtering so you get a beautiful clear wine, which is why we mostly use clear bottles.

High quality

We use only the finest brewing kits available, including California connoisseur, Youngs and Kenridge classics. With the finest fruits for personal kits.

Custom labels

We design and print our own lables. Each product has its own label to give it a unique distinction and character. We also cap each bottle to give a bit more style and personalisation.

Accurate gravity readings

Gravity readings are taken through every step of the process. This ensures that we're certain when we're ready for the next steps and we get a highly accurate alcohol percentage.

Multiple filters

We filter all our products multiple times using racking processing and filter papers to ensure there's no sediment, making sure you're tasting the full flavours.

Customer satisfaction

We tailor our products to our customers needs, including requests for specific products with extra flavouring and characteristics. We've never had a complaint yet!